2019 Meeting

The 69th Annual Meeting of the AACTM (Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics) will be held Saturday, March 2, 2019, at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, AL. All mathematics teachers are welcome to attend the meeting where we will share mathematical and pedagogical talks, along with discussions about mathematics in Alabama.  The featured Lewis-Parker lecturer will be announced shortly.  Registration will begin around 8:15 am with talks scheduled to begin at 9:00 am (these times are tentative) in Delchamps Recital Hall of Smith Hall.

The $15 fee for registration will be collected at the meeting and will include a lunch ticket to the dining facility.

Students will be allowed to attend for free but would have to purchase a lunch ticket for $10 at the meeting if they want to eat lunch in the dining facility.

The day will end with a brief business meeting around 3 pm.  The meeting is hosted by local organizers Anneliese Spaeth and William Young. They can be reached at aactm2019@hawks.huntingdon.edu if you have any questions.

A campus map can be found here:  https://www.huntingdon.edu/wp-content/uploads/HC_Campus_Map2014-.pdf

(Smith Hall is 19 on this map – adjacent to Smith Parking Lot –  and the Dining Hall is 8).


If you are interested in giving a talk at the meeting, please submit a title and abstract to aactm2019@hawks.huntingdon.edu by Monday, February 4, 2019.  Talks on mathematical research, pedagogy, or recreational mathematics are invited and should be kept to 15 minutes (with an extra 5 minutes for questions and set up for the following speaker).  We will have at a panel discussion on “Strategies for Dealing with the Changing Student Mindset in the College Mathematics Classroom.”  If you feel that you have something to contribute to the panel, please submit a brief description of the contribution you would like to make to the panel for consideration

MAA AL State Dinner:

As a reminder, the annual MAA Alabama State Dinner is the preceding evening, Friday, March 1, 2019, at 6:00 pm.  The MAA Alabama State Dinner will also be held on the campus of Huntingdon College.  The registration deadline is February 4, 2019.  However, consider registering at your earliest convenience so that we get registration off to a good start. To register, please follow: https://maasoutheastern.org/product/alabama_dinner/