Bylaws (2007)

I. Name and Object. The name of this organization shall be the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics. Its aim shall be to raise the standards in all matters that affect the teaching of mathematics in the state of Alabama.

II. Membership. Any full or part-time teacher of mathematics in any school of collegiate rank in Alabama is eligible for membership in the Association. Any person eligible for membership may vote at any meeting at which he/she is present.

III. Officers.
A. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
B. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of those Members present at the annual meeting.
C. The duties of the President shall be to call and to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Council. The President shall also serve as Chair of the Lewis-Parker Lectureship Committee. The President shall have such usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of President or as shall be assigned to him/her by the Executive Council.
D. The duties of the Vice-President shall be to assist the President and to assume the duties of the President should he/she be unable to perform them himself/herself. In such an event, the new President shall appoint a Member to the office of Vice-President, subject to majority approval by the Executive Council. 
E. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to keep minutes and records and to assist the President in such correspondence as he/she shall direct. He/She shall handle such funds as may become available to the organization and shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures. A report of such receipts and expenditures shall be read into the record by the Secretary-Treasurer at each annual meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also assume the duties of the President should both the President and Vice-President be unable to perform them themselves. In such an event, the new President shall appoint a Member to each of the offices of Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, subject to majority approval by the Executive Council. 
F. Should the Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, or either of the elected at-large members of the Executive Council be unable to perform their duties, the President shall appoint a Member to such office, subject to majority approval by the Executive Council. 
G. The President may create positions of ad-hoc officer to carry out particular duties assisting the President, and appoint a Member to such ad-hoc office, both subject to majority approval by the Executive Council. The term of such an ad-hoc officer shall be the same as the term of the President, although the succeeding President may reappoint the Member to the ad-hoc office.

IV. Executive Council. There shall be an Executive Council consisting of the President, the Vice-President, the Immediate Past President, and two other at-large members to be elected in alternate years to two-year terms by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting. The council shall be called into session by the President at least once before the annual meeting for the purpose of discussing the policies of the organization so that recommendations concerning these policies may be made at the annual meeting.

V. Nominating Committee. The Vice-President shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee, with any other members appointed by the Chair of the Committee. This committee shall report a list of one or more nominees for each of the offices to be filled by election. The current Vice-President shall receive a nomination for the office of President.

VI. Lewis-Parker Lectureship Committee. The AACTM shall host the Lewis-Parker Lecture in conjunction with the AACTM annual meeting. The Lecturer shall be selected by a Committee with the President serving as Chair of the Committee, and also including the Immediate Past President and the Editor-in-Chief of the Alabama Journal of Mathematics.

VII. Board of Directors of the Alabama Journal of Mathematics.
The Board of Directors is structured so that four (4) of the Directors shall be members of the AACTM. The election to the offices of President, Vice President, and two other members of AACTM elected each year by a majority vote of those members present at the annual meeting shall constitute election to the Board of Directors of the Journal.

VIII. Meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the organization and such other called meetings as shall be deemed necessary by the President on the advice of the Executive Council.

IX. Amendment. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at any meeting. Notice of such meeting shall be given by the President at least two weeks prior to the meeting.